Submitted by libbyd on Sat, 2014-12-06 11:27
Cutters Tempest
Anna is a sprint bred quarter horse. You will not find a more educated or balanced horse. Anna has successfully competed in cutting (two handed trained), barrel racing in Queensland. Anna is athletic, very soft and sensitive to the leg aids, has great direction, movement and stop. She is extremely cowy. All the hard work is done she is a get on and compete on a horse for the whole family. She is ONLY for sale as I play polocrosse and cannot find the time to add another sport ( we bought Anna to do barrels on) and she is going to waste. My two young girls love riding her but they have polocrosse horses and cannot ride them all. Anna is way too good not to be competing. This is a genuine sale and first to see will buy. No time wasters this is a quality mare hard to find down south. Anna can be registered. 0498 222 402