Opportunity to obtain a rare Gypsy X Fell Pony, a top quality filly on a payment plan. Both Sire and Dam line are fully imported stock . Anyone who knows her Sire knows the Gypsy Fell brings with it the Wow factor . Her Sire Watermark Spellbound has just finished the 2014/2015 show season in Victoria amd has has gone through this show year undefeated , 5 Shows for 6 Championships and 3 Supreme Exhibits as well as Top 7 Best In Show Melbourne Summer Royal 2015 . Spellbound several times now has been put up over Purebred Cobs in Supreme classes . -------------------------------------- --- ---- --- -- ---------------- Deposit on this filly will secure .She is currently still on her dam and I am happy to leave her on her until well after winter. ( time is flexible) Born start of Dec. Mature app 14.2 to 14.3hh. Will mature into a large heavily bodied deep mare with good feather . Her dam is a much bigger Fell pony x Gypsy because her sire is The Whistleblower who is a very big cob at 15.2hh. -------------------- - --- ---------------- -------- ---------- To produce quality progeny you need quality in both sire and dam , these 2 parents totally compliment each other and have produced 2 outstanding fillies so far . I am retaining the older yearling sister to this filly . ------------ ------------------ --------------- --------- Her dam Watermark Little Miss was only shown twice as a 2yo for Reserve Champion at Melbourne Royal and Reserve Champion at APSB Stud Show , she has gone on and matured into an outdtanding mare since then . A big gentle mare that is extremely affectionate and placid . Inspection is invited Sire,Dam and full sister are all here so you can clearly see what this sweet baby is going to mature into ------------------------------------- -------------------- . First few photos are filly , then her Sire Spellbound , then her dam Miss and the black fell pony picture is Spellbounds grand sire , Goytvalley Magic Minstrel Black Fell Pony photo copyrighted to LLancloudy Fell Ponys . ----------------------------------------------- If you are new to Fell Ponys well they are one of the true pure breed English native ponies used to create the Gypsy cob . The are a super strong hardy draft pony up to 14hh . They are athletic Ponys that originate from a very harsh , severe weather area and. have survived through survival of the fittest over hundreds of years . ---------They are excellent on rough terrain , great jumpers and make excellent riding or harness ponies .They have incredibly strong good feet. Breeding a Gypsy back to a Fell you are tightening up on true type so are producing a very typy horse who will consistently produce the same quality . So the Gypsy Fell X is a quality well conformed horse with lots of strong cob characteristics